considering Videography?

Our own videographers are the perfect complement to our photographers. Using the same low-key unobtrusive approach as our photography, our video team works hand-in-glove with our photographers and blend right in to invisibly preserve all the fun and sentiment in a way that only live action can. Finally there’s videography with the same great personality, looks, and pedigree as our photography.


a million amazing moments

Videography that complements our photography.

Check out a few of our favorites below:


Wedding at The Plaza Hotel, NYC

Wedding at The Metropolitan Club, NYC

Wedding at The Lighthouse at Chelsea Piers, NYC

Wedding at The Locusts-on-Hudson, Staatsburg, NY

Wedding at The Skytop Lodge, Skytop, PA


Wedding at The St. Regis Hotel, NYC

Wedding at Oheka Castle, Long Island

Wedding at Cipriani Downtown, NYC

Wedding at Century Country Club, Westchester, NY


Interested in hiring us for videography?